Helpful Guidelines For Visitors

Four Winds Westchester

  • For the safety of our patients all visitors must be on an approved visitors list. The list  will be initiated as part of the Admissions process and can be added to while the patient is here by working with the treatment team.

  • Each patient can have two (2) visitors at a time.

  • Please bring identification with you when you come to visit. You will be asked to  show your identification and sign in.  You will be issued a visitors badge for you to wear while you are on the hospital grounds.

  • Visiting in-person is by appointment only and is limited to two adult visitors for one hour a week.

  • Children are not permitted as visitors.

  • The use of cell phones and cameras are not permitted on the patient units in order to protect privacy.  Failing to adhere to this policy will lead to a modification of visitation plans.

  • All patient belongings need to be checked by our staff. Remember patients should not have sharp or glass items, matches or lighters. Any questions, please check.

  • Please remember that Four Winds Hospitals is a nut free facility. Food brought in for your family needs to meet the patient’s dietary requirements, and cannot be shared with other patients. 

  • Four Winds Hospitals is a smoke and tobacco free campus. The use of tobacco products on the hospital grounds, including in any vehicle, is prohibited.

  • If you engage in disruptive behavior you may be asked to leave.

  • Visiting over Zoom is available to patients when in-person visiting cannot be arranged.

  • Service animals accompanying visitors are permitted on hospital grounds in any area  where visitors are welcome; emotional support animals and pets are not permitted.

  • For information about the ADA or how to file an ADA complaint, visit the website, or call the U.S. Department of Justice’s toll-free ADA Information Line at 1-800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-800-514-0383 (TTY). ADA complaints can be filed online at

Thank you for your cooperation and participation in the safety of our patients!


Normas Generales Útilies para las Visitasen Español

To Make a Referral, Call:
1-914-763-8151 or 1-800-528-6624
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Four Winds Westchester

800 Cross River Road
Katonah, NY  10536

Phone: 914-763-8151
Toll-Free: 1-800-528-6624