Four Winds Westchester

"Clinical Excellence In A Caring Environment"

Four Winds Westchester

800 Cross River Road, Katonah, NY 10536

914-763-8151  or 1-800-528-6624


Four Winds Westchester is 50 minutes north of midtown Manhattan. Four Winds provides inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment services for children, adolescents and adults. We are the leading specialized providers of inpatient psychiatric treatment for children, adolescents and adults in the Northeast.

Our Goals and Beliefs

Our primary goal is to offer healing and nurturing. We believe that quality treatment, delivered at the appropriate level of care, is not only clinically effective, but cost effective as well. We have full expectations that patients will recover.


To Make a Referral, Call:
1-914-763-8151 or 1-800-528-6624
24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Focus: The Four Winds Blog

Four Winds Update










Joint Commission Survey Accreditation

Four Winds — Westchester recently completed a successful survey with the Joint Commission and received full accreditation.  

Four Winds Westchester

800 Cross River Road
Katonah, NY  10536

Phone: 914-763-8151
Toll-Free: 1-800-528-6624